.. _howto-handle-autopkgtest-failure: Handle an autopkgtest failure ----------------------------- See also: :ref:`Explanation → Autopkgtest failures ` 1. Determine if the failure represents a regression caused by the SRU, or if it is a false positive that will not cause a regression if the SRU is released to -updates. 2. If this is a real regression, follow :ref:`How-to → Report a regression ` instead. 3. Submit autopkgtest retries if you consider this appropriate, such as if you think the cause of the failure is a flaky test. If this resolves the issue, no further action is required. 4. If possible, submit further SRUs into -proposed that resolve the issue, such as [TBC] 5. Post an explanation to the relevant bug containing your analysis that describes how you arrive at your conclusion that this is a false positive.